What is a realist view about human nature? Are we completely sinful? Or are we benevolent? I believe a realist assessment of human nature is that we have a mixed capacity for both: human nature is slightly more capable of being humane, than we are of being inhuman. If this were not the case, cooperative civilization as we know it would not exist. Now power and mutual need are two imperative aspects for civilization to function. Civilizations do not exist without them. Humans also need, however, support, companionship, trust, and belonging. We need to feel a part of something greater. We are not just atomistic individuals; we are social animals.
So, my judgment has been that, although human nature is variable, on average, we tend to be cooperative, to want trust, love and mutual respect. This makes us happy. Our lived experience, our civilization does not always give us that trust and mutual respect we desire, but we try as best we can to cooperate and seek it out. So, on average the maxim holds: people are at least slightly more capable of being humane, than we are inhuman. Time, differing people and circumstances may change those average, of course.
