Do you believe in God, or not? Imagine inside a “seesaw” of belief. It’s easy to imagine a children’s see saw. Two kids of equal weight, and the seesaw remains level. Put a heavier kid on one side, and the see saw weighs down to one side. Seat an even heavier adult on the other end, and the seesaw teeters the other way.
Many of us feel this internal seesaw inside. On one hand, we feel all the weight and the reasons to believe. On the other, we have reasons against our faith. No single argument is likely to sway you to one side or the other, and all arguments are felt with an emotional weight as well. Rarely does the see saw touch the ground one either side – in absolute doubt, or absolute certainty. But many of us feel a constant pull towards faith or doubt, and that may shift as we age. An argument that is felt and weighs heavily with one person, may make no impression or carry little weight with someone else. The point is to understand why some arguments carry weight with you, why they may not weigh so much with someone else.
